Colonic Hydrotherapy | Detoxification Consultation | Allergy Treatment | Natural Nutrition
Helping clients transform their health for over 30 years
Welcome to Otley Natural Health
Liz Cunningham Naturopath www.cnhc.org.uk registered Colon Hydrotherapist www.colonic-association.org has established a professional reputation as the first choice for colon hydrotherapy in the UK. Liz is also an Allergy Specialist practicing NAET www.NAET.com and is also an experienced Natural Nutritionist with 30 years experience in diet and nutrition.
Healthy body and healthy mind are her most important values, teaching you how to look past consumerism to the healing powers of natural, nutritional living.
Liz delivers a personal and confidential range of services and empower visitors to take control of their lives by supporting them to try techniques and natural methodologies in the privacy of their own home.
If you would like to discuss your needs in total confidence, Liz is always happy to help. For more resources please click here.

About Liz
Liz opened Otley Natural Health Clinic with the soul purpose of offering professional integrative health care and packaging it in a way that could be absorbed and integrated into every day life to help to empower each and every client to take hold of their own health and wellbeing and turn it around to live the rich and fulfilling life we are all meant to live. She is passionate about healing using natural means including working with the client to teach simple detoxification techniques. Treating the whole person and working on the innate ‘life force’ of the patient using various effective naturopathic techniques.
Liz’s belief is that with a positive and active approach to our own well being we can lead a fullfilling and happy life.
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My Recent Blog Posts
TalkingStickShow 005 Liz Cunningham
Talking with Dale about gut health, water and blood types.
How to make Water Kefir
How to make Water Kefir What you will need: Water kefir grains 1 litre glass jar 1 litre of filtered or bottled water basically not tap water 2 tablespoons of sugar, I use coconut palm sugar (the amount of sugar is up to you Depending on your taste) You can put ½...
What is Water Kefir
What is water kefir . Water kefir is a fermented beverage teaming with beneficial probiotic bacteria. It is quick and simple to prepare, and once it is brewed, absolutely delicious. Even small children can enjoy it. It has a slightly sweet through to crisp, earthy,...